当前播放:叶卡捷琳娜大帝第四季 - 第05集



剧情简介:The fourth season of the series \Catherine's Favorites\ continues to chronicle the reign of CatherineAleeksevna II, the Great Empress of Russia. Set in 1779, after seventeen years on the throne, Catherine has achieved the peak of her power and reputation. Europe recognizes her as the \Great\ Empress, thanks to the efforts of influential Princess Dashkova. As Catherine's main ally, Ekaterina Romanovna Dashkova assists her in ruling the country. Meanwhile, Catherine's husband, Prince Grigory Alexandrovich Potemkin, who holds a secondary position in the government, is no longer her favorite. New favorites emerge, but they are all closely monitored by Potemkin. However, none of these new favorites can maintain their position for long. Catherine indulges in love affairs but ultimately finds no one deserving of her true love. Despite her stormy relationships, Catherine remains focused on state affairs. The time comes for her to consider her successor to the throne. Even though Catherine has a son, Pavel Petrovich, who is the legal heir, she does not view him as a worthy successor. Instead, she chooses her grandson, Alexander, to become the heir. Pavel, determined and ready, fights for his legitimate rights to the throne of Russia. A new battle for the Russian throne begins. Catherine II's seventeen-year reign was marked by her strong influence on both domestic and foreign policies. She undertook reforms to modernize the country and expand its influence in Europe. However, her personal life was also filled with intrigue and political manipulation. The series \Catherine's Favorites\ depicts the dramatic turn of events as Pavel Petrovich must choose between fighting for his legacy or accepting his grandmother's decision. He gathers supporters and forces ready to support his claims, and Russia's fate hangs in the balance. The series combines historical drama, love intrigues, political manipulations, and power struggles, providing viewers with a glimpse into the life of one of the most remarkable women in history and how her decisions shaped the fate of the state and her own family.
